Episode 21
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Amy Vosko

Revenue Based Marketing

Hosted by Adam Jay and Dale Zwizinski, Revenue Reimagined is a podcast designed for founders and revenue leaders looking to uncomplicate their revenue engines.

Today, we're joined by Amy Vosko, someone who has been in the technology industry for 25+ years.Currently, Amy serves as VP of Revenue Marketing at PathFactory, a company that accelerates pipeline and revenue growth through content intelligence.

What's "revenue marketing" you ask?Tune in to find out! Amy shares a fresh perspective on how to (actually) connect marketing and sales departments to work together, how to tie marketing performance to revenue generation, and how any Founder should be thinking about marketing to current customers.

It's an episode that any Founder, sales leader, or Account Executive in the B2B tech / SaaS industry won't want to miss.

🎁 PS: we have a gift for you!

Claim your FREE copy of "From Manager to Leader" by using the link here: It's for any revenue leader or AE that wants to be in leadership one day.Grab your copy now!

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