Episode 46
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Rachel Mae

GAP Selling - What The Hell Is It?

Hosted by Adam Jay and Dale Zwizinski, Revenue Reimagined is a podcast designed for founders and revenue leaders looking to uncomplicate their revenue engines.

We're joined by Rachel Mae, GM of Partnership Enablement and Licensing at A Sales Growth Company.

Rachel Mae is an expert on all things Gap selling. In this episode, she discusses the importance of aligning sales and marketing in order to create a shared common sense of values and a common idea around how to think about and speak to buyers.

She emphasizes the need to align the entire revenue engine in marketing, sales, and customer success (CS) around a shared understanding of the business problems that products and services solve for buyers. Rachel notes that the lack of understanding around who owns what can create confusion and conflict between sales and marketing.

She believes that, to achieve alignment, there needs to be clarity and agreement on who owns what, which may vary from organization to organization. While alignment does not always mean agreement, Mae argues that friction between sales and marketing can be productive if it leads to a better understanding of the customer journey and the need to align messaging throughout the buying cycle.

During today's show, Rachel shares her secrets on:

- productive "friction"

- clarity needed in roles

- sales and marketing strategy alignment

Any founder, entrepreneur, or business leader can steal the lessons Rachel shares in this episode and use them for their own success.

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